Metabolomics and Proteomics

Sample vials in an autosampler rack awaiting analysis

Biological and biomedical scientific research has been revolutionised by the advent of high throughput genetic sequencing. We have unprecedented information on what makes us unique, but the sequence of your genes is only the first step. Genes code for proteins and these proteins modify the levels of small molecule metabolites - knowledge of the identities and quantities of these biomolecules is crucial to understand every aspects of bioscience and to help define new druggable targets. With JBL Science as your partner, we can generate exciting new leads in all fields of life science and pharmaceutical research.

Proteomics is the study of all proteins present in a "sample", whether that sample is a cell, an organ, a body fluid like blood, or even an whole organism. It also involves analysis of the concentrations of these proteins, how those concentrations change depending on environment and identification of any post-translational modifications. Metabolomics is similar to proteomics but deals with the identification and quantification of small molecules present in every organism, such as amino acids, co-factors, fatty acids, vitamins or hormones.

Examples of questions that can addressed are: how do protein levels vary during disease? What small molecules are altered as a result of loss of a key metabolic regulator? How do phosphorykation levels of proteins vary during activation?

We have decades of combined experience in the analysis of proteins and small molecules and can undertake a range of analysis types in both proteomics and metabolomics that allow cutting edge bio-science questions to be addressed. We will work with you to understand your science and formulate a suitable project work package to ensure successful target discovery. Start your 'omics journey today.


A proteomic scientist loads a sample vial into an HPLC instrument for analysis

Key industrial sectors that can make use of proteomics and metabolomics include

Agriculture and Farming

Food Manufacturing

Pharmaceutical and Formulation

Life Sciences


Tools and technologies of relevance include

Gas Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

High Resolution Mass Spectrometry

Proteomic and Metabolomic Pipelines

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy